We are a movement of spirit and truth.
We are a people of unity and love.
We are an island of promise.
As ACC Tasmania we are convinced that we have gifts and promises to bring to the islands and nations of our world.
We are so excited at what will be formed by our shared stories and our courageous innovation.
Every church has a part to play, every family has an offering to give and every individual a gift to bring.
It will require courage and commitment, but together, through Him, all things are possible.
“We live on a beautiful Island, full of striking beauty and diversity. We also live in a blessed time, as we, a people united by faith, hope and love, raise a renewed banner of Grace and Truth. It is undeniable that our planet is in a season of upheaval, impacting every area of life, socially, generationally and culturally. My friends, it’s our privilege, that into this time of flames and fear, we are called to be carriers of light and promise. As communities of faith, there has never been a more opportune time for us to usher in spiritual renewal and formation, seeing Tasmania saved. You are invited! Regardless of our background, ethnicity, gender or age, let's rise as one accord, to celebrate our uniqueness and united by love, see people live in freedom and hope.”
- Ps Matt Sharples, State President